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APPLE Parental Agreement

Please read and check all of the items on the APPLE Parental Agreement below. By checking the checkbox, you are agreeing to each item. If you have any questions about any of the items, please reach out to the APPLE Executive before agreeing to the item.

I agree to spend a minimum of 10 hours per month in the classroom, and/or on a committee and/or by organizing school functions. I will record and submit participation hours to the Vice-Chair of Participation on a monthly basis.
I have read the Parent Handbook.
I have read and agree to follow the Social Media Policy.
I understand and support the philosophy and objectives of the Program outlined in the Parent Handbook.
I agree to attend a minimum of 4 General Meetings and a minimum of 3 Enhancement Meetings throughout the school year. In the event that I cannot attend, I need to forward my regrets within a minimum of 2 days in advance of the scheduled meeting.
When in the classroom, I agree to help the teacher in any way that they deem necessary. I will support the teacher's final authority.
When in the classroom, I agree to respect the confidentiality of the student(s), families and the teacher.
In the event that I cannot keep my scheduled class duty day, I agree to arrange my replacement with another APPLE member, or call the office so that the teacher is notified.
I agree to have my name(s), address(es), e-mail address(es) and phone number(s) published in the APPLE directory. This list is to be used for APPLE purposes ONLY.
I understand the Thames Valley School Board requires a mandatory criminal background check in order to volunteer within the school.
I understand that I am responsible to provide transportation to/from the school.
I understand that if I do not follow this Parental Agreement I will be given an opportunity to do the work required by APPLE, but if I do not, my family's enrolment in APPLE will be rescinded at the end of the school year.

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